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A plan to request for NDT service providers to operate during MCO

By setiausahamsnt In News



Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

MSNT sedang merangka untuk menghantar permohonan kebenaran beroperasi syarikat-syarikat penyedia khidmat Ujian Tanpa Memusnah (NDT) dalam tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) kepada Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI). Permohonan ini dirancang agar operasi syarikat, terutama sekali yang berkaitan dengan minyak dan gas, dapat diteruskan dan mengelakkan kehilangan pekerjaan yang tinggi di kalangan personnel NDT disamping terus mendapat akses kepada keperluan asas dan produk kritikal sepanjang tempoh PKP.

Oleh yang demikian, MSNT memohon pandangan dan cadangan dari semua ahli sebelum permohonan ini dimajukan. Walaubagaimanapun, MSNT tidak menjamin kejayaan permohonan ini. Syarikat bertanggungjawab atas keselamatan personel terbabit. E-mel pandangan dan cadangan anda kepada sebelum 5 petang (Ahad, 12 April 2020).

Terima kasih.

Assalamualaikum and Greetings,

MSNT is planning to request for permission from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) service companies to operate during the Movement Control Order (MCO). The application is planned for NDT companies, especially those related to oil and gas, to continue and prevent high unemployment among NDT personnel while maintaining their access to basic needs and critical products throughout the MCO period.

Accordingly, MSNT requests the views and suggestions of all relevant members before this application is submitted. However, MSNT does not guarantee the success of this application. The company is responsible for the personnel safety. Email your views and suggestions to before 5 PM (Sunday, April 12th, 2020)

Thank you.

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